Are you ready for the next big changes in tech and consumer behavior?
Are you ready to take your digital marketing to the next level?
What is the next level?
Well, what level are you at? And what’s the next one you’d like to get to? Because unless you’re getting ready for retirement, 2023 is not going to be a year to slow down. The economy is online, and that means marketing now has to evolve more or less at the rate of tech.
Tech drives consumer behavior, and tech drives fast. Tech is not slowing down, so neither can your marketing.
Now that 2023 is upon us, it’s a good time for marketers to reflect on lessons of the year past, look forward to the challenges of the year ahead and develop a plan to rise and meet them.
The continuing shift to an online-first economy is opening new doors of opportunity to everyone in the marketing field. Online marketing tools are providing easily accessible, deep insights into your target audience. Your audience is online, and regardless of the scale of your campaigns, you can reach them with readily-accessible digital tools.
But so can the competition. That competition will continue to grow this year, the digital marketing space growing ever more saturated as it becomes an increasing necessity in every industry.
Among the greatest challenges for every digital marketing campaign in 2023 will be to stand out, both online and out in the real world. There’s a lot of noise to cut through, and it’s not getting any quieter.
Classic questions for marketers
What makes you, your business, your product, worthy of your audience’s attention and consideration, let alone their business? And how are you going to get that message to them more effectively than ever this year?
At LSC Marketing Group, we’ve been considering these questions for ourselves and our clients every year for over fifteen years. We’re excited by the challenges and opportunities we see ahead in 2023, and we’re getting ourselves and our partners ready with a full suite of integrated digital and traditional marketing solutions and strategies.
For 2023, we’re planning on using that integrated approach to help our partners stand out and to stand out ourselves. Using the lessons of years past, we’re continuing to find new ways to combine old-school marketing approaches with the insights, reach, and power of today’s host of digital solutions to craft powerful, personal messages and deliver them in new and impactful ways.
Whatever the size of your business or your ambitions, whatever balance you’re utilizing of traditional and digital strategies so far, 2023 will be a year of opportunity in marketing for those who stay ahead of emerging trends and continue to grow and experiment with new methods.
Here’s a quick guide to some of the most important considerations for your marketing in 2023.
1. Assess and revise your strategy
Take this new year as a moment to look back on what you’ve been doing for the past year. What has worked, and what hasn’t? If that’s a difficult question to answer, it’s likely time to start looking into digital solutions like AI-driven tracking and analysis, or partnering with a marketing advisor who can help get you on the right track. Look ahead to new developments in tech that will change consumer behavior and prepare proactively by accounting for these in your marketing strategy for 2023.
2. Augment your strengths with new methods
Hopefully, the insights gained from your self assessment will guide you to keep the best of your current marketing efforts, trim the rest, and experiment with new methods that will complement your current strengths. Whatever you’re doing currently, we suggest finding a balance between online marketing and traditional methods to reach your audience across all channels.
3. Recognize that all online marketing is account-based
The deep insights on and ready access to our audiences across multiple online platforms means the best marketing firms are already using Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategies for both B2B and B2C campaigns, finding and repeatedly reaching out to high-value individuals and groups with highly personalized calls to action.
4. Speak to your audience as an equal
With a world of information at their fingertips, today’s consumer is more informed than ever. But they are also bombarded with substandard content that doesn’t address their core needs or even speak to them on the level of expertise they already have on a given topic. Get granular with your digital insights to properly target content geared towards the individual’s needs and level of expertise.
5. Make a personal connection
Utilize your insights and those gained through audience research to craft content that speaks directly to your audience. For B2B marketers, this means targeting key accounts through digitally-powered ABM campaigns. More broadly-targeted B2C campaigns should be looking for intersections of interests among their high-value audience to target with relevant content. Local campaigns should look for opportunities to speak to topics of relevance to their communities.
6. Provide real value
As businesses gain an ever-increasing amount of access into their customers’ lives through the power of the internet and mobile devices, the marketing benefits gained through that constant contact come with a reciprocal responsibility – the constant provision of value. This applies of course to your product, but also to any related services, customer experience along and beyond your sales funnel, and your marketing content itself. An integrated, streamlined sales experience, well-maintained and robust web platforms, and 24/7 support will be increasingly expected across industries.
7. Establish a relationship
With online platforms providing ongoing contact, retargeting, and constant opportunities to remain top-of-mind for your best prospects, it’s important to remember that the same tools that open up these opportunities can also be used to provide a top-quality experience that will build customer loyalty. Make the convenience, support, and value you offer your customers a top priority in 2023, and they’ll reward you by coming back year after year.
How can your marketing improve in 2023?
A new year is often a catalyst for reflection. We hope this very brief guide has given our readers some subjects to focus on that will be of benefit in all their endeavors in 2023 – in marketing and beyond.
At LSC Marketing Group, we’re looking forward to another year of opportunity to provide value to our clients and partners. If you’d like to take your marketing to the next level in 2023, contact us to find out how our full suite of marketing solutions can augment your existing programs or get you going from scratch.